There are no doubts that masculinity is no longer restricted to the traditional values of being stoic, aggressive and steely-eyed grit.
It is the new year and there are basic things to get our eyes stuck on even as we move around, ensure we have food to eat and money to spend, there are qualities that we should not let go off:
- There is no greater lesson 2020 has taught us, than kindness and having compassion for those around us.
- Stop thinking of your suit as occasion wear. Wear it just because you want to.
- Treat people with the common courtesy they deserve, it is called respect.
- Stay responsible by owning up to your deeds and stand by your actions.
- If you’re not aiming too high, you’re aiming too low.
- Stand for your truth at all times.
- Spend a day each week with family consciously.
- Leave the workplace when you can, it is really not a do or die affair.
- Respect is not just for others but respect for oneself.
- Stay resilient by rising to the challenge and choosing to face the given adversity.
- Be who you want to be regardless of what anyone else wants you to be.
- Admit when you’re not OK. It’s ok to be open and honest in an emotional sense.
- For the 1000th time, women are not sexual objects.
- All good things take time, stay patient.
- While it’s important to keep your head high, it’s just as important to know when to bow it down.
- The courage to be who you are, the courage to stand for something, the courage to walk out that door – day after day – and take on the world.