
Neuralink: The AI-Mind Sync

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The groove just got better. The music boom ‘bout to sound straight to your brain.

So Elon Musk says.

Elon Musk, Tesla CEO, has been giving thriller information on Twitter about the next big project his team and him are working on – The Neuralink.

The Neuralink is a brain chip in development and said to have many functions. The chip is still much of a mystery, however, a couple of facts have been revealed about it.

Neuralink, The AI-Mind Sync
Illustration of what Neuralink’s first brain-machine interface might look like in humans, with a series of implants connected to a device surgically implanted behind the ear. | Source: Technologyreview

First, the chip models after the Gossamer-thin wire (thinner than the human hair) and would be implanted into the brains of users. Secondly, the aim is to develop the thin wires to connect to an external device via a wireless channel.

Last year, Elon Musk revealed that prototypes of this chip have been successfully tested on mice and apes.

So what’s up with the chip and music? A renowned computer programmer, Austin Howard, asked Elon on Twitter if the chip could stream music directly to users’ brain and – guess what? – Elon answered ‘yes’.

Amazing, right? Imagine Michael Jackson’s “Smooth Criminal” booming right inside your brain or The Weeknd’s “The Hill”. That sounds like something to be high for.

Neuralink, The AI-Mind Sync
The chip | Source: massivesci

So how would it exactly work? Well, the chips main aim is to create a bridge between the human brain and Artificial Intelligence technology. Hence, the chips will offer a wide variety of functions dealing with the human’s neural system and can be regulated by the AI technology. How it would then work is signaling the part of the human brain that processes auditory sensation directly omitting perception through the ear.

Quick fact. The part of the brain that processes auditory information is called the auditory cortex and is located in the temporal lobe.

Neuralink will be able to cater for a lot of other brain-related functions and issues. So far, it has been revealed it would be able to treat mental health conditions such as addiction, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety, depression, brain injury, hearing and restoring eyesight. Perhaps we can consider myths like technology-enabled telepathy, and telling one’s devices what to do without actually talking.

Source: cnet

Personally, I would like that telepathy function. My partner ‘bout to hear me sing and read poems I wrote for her directly to her brain. Romantic, isn’t it?

A release date cannot be ascertained yet as the chip is still under development. However, Elon Musk made it known it could be developed for human testing within a year to now.

Quick fact. Neuralink was founded in 2016. You can call this a delayed fact.

This article, “Neuralink: The AI-Mind Sync”, was written by Enoch Omosebi for MC! Magazine and published in our Oct. to Dec. 2020 issue.


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